Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday's Photo

Today's photograph was shot by Antonia Behr in Form IV.  The architectural lines lead the viewer into the photograph and the blurry focus lends itsself to the movement of the figures walking through the space.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Film Appreciation

 Mr. Watts has begun a module on Film Appreciation with Form IV pupils this term, and has started with the 1968 Movie 'if...', directed by Lindsay Anderson and written by David Sherwin and John Howlett. Quite an interesting viewing for the pupils given the boarding school backdrop to the movie........... find out more details about the movie  HERE.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Form VI Research and Preparation for Craftwork.

Form VI have started the term with a Craftwork project. Below is work by Ciara Conway, Poppy Vernon, Kaila Korschen and Lauren Cooke. These research drawings will go towards their Preparatory Studies pages and Preliminary Drawings for this project.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Texaco Art Competition

Yesterday Form Primary began planning their compositions for the Children's Texaco Art Competition .Below is some of their work in progress. Click HERE for full details of competition.

Marina Wright

George Perceval

Freddie Morris 

Monday, January 18, 2010

Clubs and Societies Evening

The first weekend of term saw a clubs and societies evening. The Art room was up and running as usual, with  junior and senior cycle pupils in attendance. Below is the work of  Imogen Wardell, Form V. This work in progress is an imaginative composition using oil pastels, and was inspired by a picture she saw.